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Join Our Community-Centered Healthcare Team

At Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas我们相信,建立强大的社区联系是提供卓越护理的关键. Our culture is rooted in genuine relationships, 专注于提高我们的病人和团队成员的福祉. 我们通过提供持续的教育和发展机会来优先考虑您的个人和职业发展. 我们鼓励你去追求自己的兴趣,拓展你的知识, 使您在护理事业中成长并取得成功.

Highpoint Health comprises three hospitals, a free-standing emergency room, family wellness clinics, 专科诊所包括骨科和妇科. 我们的组织因友爱和合作而蓬勃发展, and we pride ourselves on approachable leadership, exemplified by our market president, 谁有护理背景,提倡开放式沟通. 

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nurses gathering at nurses station

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Downtown Gallatin, Tennessee

The Best of Middle Tennessee at Your Door

我们的地区位于田纳西州中部北部,拥有良好的学校和良好的家庭环境. Communities including Carthage, Gallatin, Hartsville, 和亨德森维尔以美丽的湖泊和公园而闻名, 非常适合周末探险和下班后放松. If downtown Nashville is a draw, 你可以很容易地接触到充满活力的城市生活和大城市的所有机会,同时保持小城镇的和平与安宁.

Nursing Careers at Highpoint Health

我们很自豪能够成为强大和不断发展的卫生系统的一部分,为护士提供有益的机会. 我们认识到护士每天对医疗保健作出的宝贵贡献, 我们致力于为他们提供工具, training, and support they need to succeed. REACH是我们护理支持的首字母缩写,包括 招聘和保留,教育,晋升,文化和荣誉. REACH your full potential at Highpoint Health. Here, 我们致力于在护士的整个职业生涯中投资,支持她们成长和成功的每一步.

Nurse taking patient's blood pressure

从我个人的经验来看,这种支持可以提高你的知识, skills, and career is a cornerstone of what we do. 从行政团队到个别单位领导, 他们都致力于确保你获得成功所需的资源和支持.

Ryan, nurse leader, Highpoint Health
portrait of Ryan McFarland

New RN Grad? Launch Your Nursing Career Here

作为一名Highpoint健康护理人员,你的专业成长是最重要的,这就是为什么所有的新-grad RNs enter the Nurse ResidencyComponents of this paid career opportunity include:  

  • One-on-one mentorship support  
  • Cohort conference opportunities  
  • Clinical skills simulations   
  • 根据您的临床兴趣定制的协作顶点项目  
  • 35 nursing contact hours

Learn MoreNurse Residency

在一家专业护理机构工作了五年之后,我在Highpoint Health开始了我的职业生涯. 一旦我完成了护理学校的学习,我就在护士实习期间过渡到床边护理. 在这里学到的知识和技能让我充满信心,我的职业生涯将没有止境.

Blake, registered nurse, Highpoint Health
portrait of Blake Holmes

Pride in our people

  • Sign-on bonus of up to $25,000 available to qualified RN candidates
  • 有竞争力的薪酬,灵活的轮班,带薪休假(PTO)
  • 广泛的福利待遇,包括学费报销和退休匹配计划
  • Leadership development and growth opportunities
  • heart with hands icon


    years of caring for Carthage, Gallatin, and Hartsville residents

  • provider icon


    patient-centered employees

  • hospital icon


    hospital beds in the healthcare system

  • graphic featuring bar graph


    in capital improvements

portrait of Erica Remy

Connect with our Recruiter

From your application to your first day, your experience matters, and I am here to help. If you have questions about a role, our benefits, or the hiring process in general, 让我们联系起来,这样你就可以在Highpoint Health发现你的梦想职业.

Erica Remy, clinical recruiter
call/text: 304.894.7540

Schedule a call with Erica

Great care lives here

圣托马斯是生命点健康的一部分, 致力于多元化的医疗保健服务网络 making communities healthier® 全国各地都有急症护理、康复和行为健康机构.

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